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< back to layettepetit bateau underwear
Petit Bateau has always been France's most famous children's line, surrounding babies with the quality and comfort of soft, pure and natural 100% cotton. Choose from luxurious body suits, diaper covers, and long johns for the ultimate in garments for your little boy or girl. Each item impeccably finished to ensure total comfort.

*To see our selection of other adorable baby clothes, click here

striped long johns by petit bateau - unavailable
ribbed stripe long sleeve bodysuit by petit bateau - unavailable
white cotton ribbed body suit  by petit bateau - unavailable
striped long johns by petit bateau - unavailable

ribbed stripe long sleeve bodysuit by petit bateau - unavailable

white cotton ribbed body suit by petit bateau - unavailable

diaper cover with ruffles - unavailable
diaper cover with ruffles - unavailable

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petit bateau underwear